Питомник “Милкахолик”. Кошки и котята: Шотландские вислоухие ( Скоттиш фолд ), Шотландские короткошерстные ( Скоттиш страйт ), Хайленд фолд, Хайленд страйт. Окрасы колор-пойнт, линкс пойнт, затушеванный пойнт, тикированный пойнт, минк, сепия, белый с голубыми глазами, белый с оранжевыми глазами, мрамор на серебре, окрасы с белым (биколор, ван, арлекин). Milkaholic cattery. Cats and kittens breed: Scottish fold, Scottish straight, Highland fold ( Long hair ), Highland straight ( Long hair ). Color point, lynx point, shaded point, ticked point, mink, sepia, white with blue eyes, white with orange eyes, silver classic tabby, colors with white ( Bicolor, Van, Harlequin).

Litter Q
Farther: Sladkiy Son Quaint (SFL d 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Ivetta (Veta) (SFL 71 g 32)
Milkaholic Quattrozampe Maserati (SFL d 21 32 03)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: red classic tabby mink with white
Status: Sold China
Milkaholic Questa Musica (SCL g 21 32 03)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: blue tortie tabby-mink with white
Status: Stay with us
Milkaholic Questo Monty (SCL d 33 03)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: red point bicolor
Status: Sold
Litter S
Farther: Sladkiy Son Quaint (SFL d 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Lyalya (SFS 71 n 33 03)
Milkaholic Saimon (SFL 71 n 33 02)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: seal point harlequin
Status: Sold
Milkaholic Stue (SFL a 33 02)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: blue point harlequin
Status: Sold
Milkaholic Suzy (SFL f 33 02)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal tortie point harlequin
Status: Stay with us
Litter T
Farther: Milkaholic Nolan (SFL 71 n 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Monika (SFS f 22 32)
Milkaholic Teddy (SFS71 n 21 33 03)
Breed: Scottish straight
Color: Seal lynx point & white bicolor
Status: Sold
Milkaholic Theodore (SFL71 d 22 32 )
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: red classic-tabby mink
Status: Sold (Arkhangelsk )
Milkaholic Tobby (SFL n 22 32 03)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal classic tabby mink with white
Status: Stay with us
Milkaholic Toffy (SFS n 21 33)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: seal lynx point
Status: Sold (Italy)
Milkaholic Toto (SFL 71 n 22 32 03)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: seal classic tabby mink with white
Status: Sold (Saudi Arabia)
Litter U
Farther: Milkaholic Nolan (SFL 71 n 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Marissa (SFS g 22 32)
Milkaholic Ukka (SFS g 21 33 03)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: blue tortie lynx point with white
Status: Stay with us
Milkaholic Uma (SFS 71 f 21 33 03)
Breed: Scottish straight
Color: seal tortie tabby-point & white
Status: Sold
Milkaholic Umka (SFL d 22 32 03)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: red classic tabby mink with white
Status: Under observation
Milkaholic Urchin (SFS 71 e 22 32 03)
Breed: Scottish straight
Color: cream classic tabby mink & white
Status: Sold
Milkaholic Ursula (SFL n 22 32)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal classic tabby mink
Status: Sold (China)
Litter V
Farther: Milkaholic Ozzy (SFS a 21 33 03) Mother: Beautifold Zabava (SFS 71 n 21 33 03)
Milkaholic Villie (SFS a 33 03)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: blue point bicolor
Status: Sold
Litter W
Farther: Milkaholic Jacobs (SFL 71 as? 21 33) Mother: Milkaholic Laetitia Casta (SFL a 21 33 03)
Milkaholic Wooly (SCL a 25 33)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: blue ticked point
Status: Sold (USA)
Litter Y
Farther: Sladkiy Son Quaint (SFL d 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Questa Musica (SCL g 21 32 03)
Milkaholic Yellow Moon (SFL d 22 32)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: red classic tabby mink
Status: Stay with us
Milkaholic Yesenia (SFL f 33 03)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal tortie point with white
Status: Sold
Litter A(2)
Farther: () Mother: Milkaholic Yesenia (SFL f 33 03)
Milkaholic Archie (SFL n 33 03)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal point bicolor
Status: Sold (USA)
Litter C(2)
Farther: Christopher Teffolt (SCS d 21 33) Mother: Milkaholic Marissa (SFS g 22 32)
Milkaholic Charisma (SFS d 21 33)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: red tabby - point
Status: Sale
Milkaholic Chivas (SCS d 22 32)
Breed: Scottish straight
Color: red classic-tabby mink
Status: Sale
Litter B(2)
Farther: Milkaholic Ozzy (SFS a 21 33 03) Mother: Milkaholic Lyalya (SFS 71 n 33 03)
Milkaholic Balzac (SCS n 33 03)
Breed: Scottish straight
Color: seal point bicolor
Status: Sale
Milkaholic Bijou (SFS n 33 03)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: seal point bicolor
Status: Sold (Moscow)
Litter D(2)
Farther: Christopher Teffolt (SCS d 21 33) Mother: Milkaholic Yellow Moon (SFL d 22 32)
Milkaholic Dandy (SCL d 21 33)
Breed: Highland Straight
Color: red tabby - point
Status: Sold (Moscow)
Milkaholic Demi (SFS d 21 33)
Breed: Scottish fold
Color: red tabby - point
Status: Sold (Moscow)
Milkaholic Dionysus (SFL d 22 32)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: red classic-tabby mink
Status: Stay with us
Milkaholic Disney (SFL d 22 32)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: red classic-tabby mink
Status: Sale
Litter E(2)
Farther: Milkaholic Tobby (SFL n 22 32 03) Mother: Milkaholic Lyalya (SFS 71 n 33 03)
Milkaholic Ether (SFL n 33 02)
Breed: Highland fold
Color: seal point harlequin
Status: Sale
© Milkaholic cattery
2013 - 2014
Scottish Fold cattery
Owner Galina Shuliaeva
Design Galina Shuliaeva
Programming Andrey Suppes
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